Gender & Diversity

All universities participating in the TRR259 consortium promote pluralism, a variety of perspectives, and equal opportunities. Therefore, all three universities have established offices for gender equality, dual career services, as well as mentoring and networking programs for female researchers (e.g. University of Cologne: Female Career Program (FCP), Cornelia Harte Mentoring Program, Women in Science and Society (WISAS)). The Gender & Diversity Committee of the TRR259 was founded to respond more specifically to the needs of TRR259 members in terms of career opportunities and supporting a good work-life balance.

Gender & Diversity Committee of the TRR259
The Gender & Diversity Committee supports our efforts to ensure that the TRR259 remains sensitive to matters relating to gender and diversity.
The committee currently consists of seven elected members, serving as first contacts and offering help and information on topics such as discrimination, parental leave, child care services, etc. We aim to increase the number of female scientists, especially female project leaders in the Collaborative Research Center, and improve their career opportunities. Our goal is to design a working environment for the Collaborative Research Center that allows professional and family obligations to be easily reconciled.
Support of women
The TRR259 has set itself the goal of increasing the number of female scientists, in particular female project leaders, in the Collaborative Research Center, and improving their career opportunities
Within our Transregio, female researchers are represented on different levels of project preparation, scientific management, as well as in scientific partnership as scientific project leaders, with currently 6 out of 27 (22%) principle investigators are women. As this percentage is still unbalanced at this stage, we have set gender equality at all academic levels as an important strategic goal and have implemented targeted equal opportunity measures. Due to the success of these initiatives and the quality of their gender-equality strategies, two of the three participating universities (Bonn, Cologne) are now in Phase III (out of IV) and Düsseldorf is already in Phase IV of the process of meeting the goals defined in the DFG’s Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality

Specific measures to promote gender equality
TRR259 members can access a wide range of workshops, services, and coaching from the participating universities. The TRR259 also offers special programs for female scientists.

The Inclusive Researcher Network for Equality (IRENE)
In September 2021, the “Women Connect Series” network for female researchers was founded. In order to expand the offer, "Women Connect" was renamed "The Inclusive Researcher Network for Equality (IRENE)" in 2023. Together, the TRR259, TRR237, Cluster ImmunoSensation2, iRTG2168, TRR333, and SFB1454 promote equality for all genders and backgrounds in science. We support female scientists' careers, help balance work and family, and create an inclusive environment.

Postdoc starting grant for female scientists
While searching for new project ideas and techniques, we would like to attract motivated and talented female scientists for research on aortic diseases. This is why we are giving PhD students and postdocs the opportunity to develop new project ideas related to the TRR259 an supporting them with a postdoc Starting Grant for female scientists.
represented nationalities
female project leaders

Work & Life Balance
Gender equality is strongly associated with a professional surrounding that is compatible with the demands of raising a family. Thus, childcare and family support for both male and female researchers, as well as opportunities for a dual career are supported by the three universities.
We provide emergency and back-up childcare via PME-Familienservice. Due to the flexibility of this childcare, which is also available on short notice, our scientists are covered in case the regular day-care center is closed or their normal caretaker is ill.
The TRR259 also offers a parent-child room in each city. These rooms allow scientists to work or have informal meetings while watching their children.
In addition, the TRR259 KidsBox offers practical support on-site. It can easily be rolled to the workplace and turns into an in situ 'parent-child room' in no time at all, making it possible for a better work-life balance.
For times of parental leave, project leaders can apply for student assistants or substitutes to allow for the continuation of their project.
Women in Science
The TRR259 is part of the Women in Science committee o improve the prospects of women in academia and progressively move from awareness to transformation.
Women in Science was founded by Prof. Irmgard Foerster and is now headed by Prof. Eva Kiermaier and Prof. Elvira Maas. The WIS committee consist of the 2 leaders and other scientists from the LIMES and the coordinator of the TRR259.
Together we want to provide a forum that will foster scientific and personal exchange to improve career development among women, and ultimately help to address the gender imbalance at senior levels. Thereby, the diversity of the committee is a great strength.

The TRR259 embraces diversity and coming from a total of 12 countries, the origins of our researchers investigating aortic diseases are diverse. This wide range of origins stimulates the exchange of cultures and perspectives and inspires creativity and innovation within our laboratories.

Dr. Denise Nehl
Biomedical Center I, Building 13, Floor 3, Room 22
Clinic for Internal Medicine II
Department of Molecular Cardiology
University Hospital Bonn
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
M.A. Anita Meißner
Medizinisches Forschungszentrum I, Building 13.58.U1, Room 56
Division of Cardiology, Pulmonology and Vascular Medicine
University Hospital Düsseldorf
Moorenstraße 5
40225 Düsseldorf
Dr. Arne Bublitz
Lehre, Forschung, Information (LFI), Building 13, Floor 4, Room 59
Clinic for General and Interventional Cardiology, Electrophysiology, Angiology, Pneumology and Internal Intensive Care Medicine
University Hospital Cologne
Kerpener Str. 62
50937 Cologne
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Sengle
Center for Biochemistry II
Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC)
Joseph-Stelzmann-Strasse 52
50931 Cologne
Prof. Dr. Norbert Gerdes
Building 13.58, U1, Room 003
Division of Cardiology, Pulmonology and Vascular Medicine
Mailbox 1125
University Hospital Düsseldorf
Moorenstr. 5
40225 Düsseldorf
Prof. Dr. Maria Grandoch
Building 22.21
Institute of Translational Pharmacology
University Hospital Düsseldorf
Universitätsstraße 1
40225 Düsseldorf