Availability of the kids box
in Bonn (BMZI), Cologne (CMMC) and Düsseldorf (MFZ I)
A family room in Düsseldorf University Hospital is currently being prepared.
TRR259 Kid's Box

Many parents know this situation: The nursery is unexpectedly closed, grandma and grandpa are travelling or you have to work during the afternoon or evening. Or would you like to take part in an evening seminar?
Who takes care of the child while you have to take care of tasks at your office?
The solution:
The TRR259 KidsBox offers practical support on site. It is rolled to the workplace and turns it into a 'parent-child room' in no time at all, making it an offer for a better work-life balance.
How does the KidsBox work?
The KidsBox is equipped for babies and children up to primary school age. While your child is temporarily cared for and kept busy, you can do important work.
The KidsBox contains:
- a travel cot that can also be used as a playpen
- a folding mattress and sleeping mat for crawling and playing on the floor
- a press fit for docking to your own desk
- Stool and table for slightly older children
- various toys and painting items
- a changing mat
- Disinfection and first aid equipment
- Hygiene products
- Books and much more that is useful and useful for smaller children.
The KidsBox can be opened for a protected area for breastfeeding and changing.
Who can use the KidsBox?
Employees of the TRR259 with small children who have an office workplace can use the KidsBox.
When can the KidsBox be used?
If regular childcare is unexpectedly canceled and urgent professional tasks have to be completed, the child can be brought to work temporarily and the KidsBox can be used. Please speak to your team leader before you bring the child to work.
If you have any questions concerning the kids box, just have a look or if you want to book it, please contact
- in Düsseldorf: Anita.Meissner (Anita.Meissner@med.uni-duesseldorf.de)
- in Bonn: Denise Nehl (denise.nehl@ukbonn.de)
- in Köln: Arne Bublitz (arne.bublitz@uk-koeln.de)
When is the KidsBox not allowed to be used?
The KidsBox must not be used if the child being cared for suffers from an infectious disease (pox, mumps, measles, scarlet fever, rubella, gastrointestinal disease, etc.) or if one of these diseases is suspected.
Use is also excluded in the event of severe febrile illnesses or infestation with transmissible parasites (head lice, fleas, etc.).
What do I have to consider?
Obligation to supervise
You use the KidsBox at your own risk. The KidsBox user who is present is responsible for supervising the child being cared for. The unsupervised stay of the child is not permitted.
Careful use
The users ensure that the KidsBox and its contents are handled with care.
Hygienic cleaning
After each use, we clean the KidsBox according to hygienic standards.
There is a KidsBox in the CMMC building (Robert-Koch-Str. 21, 50931 Köln). You can inquire about the location for Cologne by contacting Arne Bublitz (arne.bublitz@uk-koeln.de) and receive all necessary information. There you will also receive the key and then you can take the KidsBox with you to your office.
Employees in Bonn can use the Kids Box of the Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation in the BMZI. Please contact Denise Nehl (Denise.Nehl@ukbonn.de).
A Kids Box was recently purchased for the Düsseldorf University Hospital in the MFZ I using equal opportunities funds from the DFG to support flexible childcare for TRR259 members. The Kidsbox can be booked via Anita Meißner, Düsseldorf (Anita.Meissner@med.uni-duesseldorf.de). A family room for this is currently being prepared.
Allocation list
Borrowing the KidsBox is regulated by a list. You have to enter in the list when and where you use the KidsBox.
Transport of the KidsBox
The dimensions are 120 x 105 x 66 cm. The KidsBox has wheels and can be easily transported to the place of use. If you no longer need the KidsBox, it must be returned to the pick-up location.
Dr. Denise Nehl
Biomedical Center I, Building 13, Floor 3, Room 22
Clinic for Internal Medicine II
Department of Molecular Cardiology
University Hospital Bonn
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
Anita Meißner
Medizinisches Forschungszentrum I, Building 13.58.U1, Room 56
Division of Cardiology, Pulmonology and Vascular Medicine
University Hospital Düsseldorf
Moorenstraße 5
40225 Düsseldorf
Dr. Arne Bublitz
Lehre, Forschung, Information (LFI), Building 13, Floor 4, Room 59
Clinic for General and Interventional Cardiology, Electrophysiology, Angiology, Pneumology and Internal Intensive Care Medicine
University Hospital Cologne
Kerpener Str. 62
50937 Cologne