Specific measures to promote gender equality
Thus, all applicant institutions of this proposed CRC, have set gender equality at all academic levels as an important strategic goal and have implemented targeted equal opportunity measures. All participating universities have established gender equality offices and staff that evaluate existing measures and give advisory support for the development of new projects in individual departments and within the framework of structured programs. Furthermore, monitoring systems are already established to evaluate the advancement of women at all levels of qualification and document appointment procedures.

Specific measures to promote gender equality in Bonn
The Rectorate and the Equal Opportunities Officer of the University of Bonn have developed an extensive program to promote and provide financial support for young female scientists. It is aimed at female postdocs, junior research group leaders, postdoctoral researchers, private lecturers and junior professors at the University of Bonn.
The MeTra program was started in 2004 and implemented in 2006 as a separate funding line within the framework of the funding program for young women scientists at the University of Bonn. It is aimed at female doctoral students, postdocs, junior research group leaders, postdoctoral researchers, private lecturers and junior professors at the University of Bonn. The program offers a supporting program for each group with training events, the placement of a mentor and regular network meetings.
The Medical Faculty of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn adopted a program in 1995 that aims to improve the framework conditions for young scientists and to support high-quality research projects.
Despite increasing awareness of gender inequality, women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are still underrepresented in academia across all disciplines and countries. Whereas the gender gap is very small at the graduate level, it is growing quickly with career progression and becomes overwhelming at the highest academic positions with less than one fourth of professorships being held by women.
Therefore, the mission of the Women in Science committee is to improve the prospects of women in academia and progressively move from awareness to transformation.
Specific measures to promote gender equality in Cologne
The Female Career Program (FCP) offers female students, doctoral candidates, postdocs and other employees of the University of Cologne and the University Clinic Cologne the opportunity to deal specifically with their individual career development - within science and in preparation for the non-university job market.
The workshops offered for this purpose cover in particular the areas of career planning, (self-) presentation and communication.
The Cornelia Harte Mentoring (CHM) is aimed at women on their professional path in business, science, research and industry. The mentoring program is named after Prof. ' Dr. ' Cornelia Harte (1914-1998), first female professor at the University of Cologne.
The aim is to support the participants in their personal and professional career development and to give them an insight into the desired professional field. The CHM offers support through the modules one-to-one mentoring, workshops, coaching and networking.
Organized by SFB 829 and the Rectorate University of Cologne, WISAS lecture series brings prominent female scientists of skin research and associated areas to Cologne to discuss the role of women in science and society. A first lecture aims at the biomedical community. The second lecture is open to the public and addresses how gender issues are perceived in other countries and how other universities deal with it. The speaker will also give insights into her experience in combining a scientific career as a woman with private and family life (work/life balance).
Specific measures to promote gender equality in Düsseldorf
The program is aimed at young academics who have interrupted their research project due to a family phase and are looking to re-enter a scientific career with the aim of becoming a professor. The funding includes financing your own position as a full-time or part-time research assistant for two years.
SelmaMeyerMentoring is a personnel development strategy for young female academics and supports qualified and committed young academics in identifying and developing their skills and competencies and systematically integrating them into their career planning.
The HEINE network of scientists offers all participants the opportunity to get to know each other and to exchange ideas with colleagues. In addition, you will receive informative insights into family and university policy issues through accompanying specialist lectures. The event always takes place at the end of the semester.
We offer help and support to dual career couples in the Rhineland.
In the course of their career, scientists often find that considerable demands are made on them in terms of flexibility and mobility. At the same time, the number of "Dual Career Couples", i.e. (university educated) couples both pursuing their individual careers, is steadily on the rise. One partner´s decision to relocate for professional reasons is increasingly dependent on whether attractive career opportunities also exist in the area for his or her spouse.
The universities and research institutions that make up the Dual Career Network Rhineland all have the same objective: to attract exceptional scientists to the Rhineland, not only to offer them outstanding working facilities, but also to enable them to achieve a realistic balance between the demands of work and partnership/family.
A winning team - you as a couple and we as a network
In order to achieve this, we provide targeted support both for your own professional development as a newly appointed or established scientist and for your partner in the form of a new career start in the Rhineland. Through our Dual Career Network Rhineland, we identify a range of opportunities matching your individual qualification profile.