Reference to DFG funding
Publications based on research conducted by the TRR259 must include a reference to DFG funding. The standard indication would be:
"Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Grant No. 397484323 - TRR259“ included in the Acknowledgements.
NOTE: The DFG offers support for publishing in open-access journals. Your respective institution needs to apply for the support.

Here you will find documents and information for traveling.
Before submitting the travel request, contact your local coordinator to inquire if your travel can be reimbursed by TRR259.Subsequent reimbursement of costs is not possible.
Also inform the coordinator of your scientific contribution to the congress
Before you start traveling to conferences etc. you have to
- write a "Dienstreiseantrag" ("Dienstreiseantrag-Innland")
- if you are leaving Germany (it doesn’t matter for how long), you have to fill out the A1-Bescheinigung additionally ("Dienstreiseantrag-Ausland") and send it to your Reisekostenverantwortlichen
for traveling in the EU: at least 2 weeks in advance
for traveling in other countries: at least 2 month in advance
Please keep all original bills/tickets and contact your local coordinator for reimbursement.

Downloads for Bonn
Downloads for Cologne
Downloads for Düsseldorf
Conference participation
The Transregio will work to provide a fruitful and supportive environment for all participants, in particular for early career researchers. We will offer financial support for PhD-students of the iRTG to cover registration fees, accommodation, and travel expenses for PhD-students of the Transregio who present data at international conferences.

How to apply for financial support - conference
- Financial support for participation in conferences must be applied for in advance by the doctoral researcher and his/her principal investigator.
- We will support participation in conferences with up to € 1000. In individual cases, this sum can also be increased if you take part in an international conference. It is desirable that the participant give a talk or present a poster at the conference, however, this is not an absolute requirement to receive funding.
- Due to the disruptions from the Corona virus, we will also support the participation in online conferences.
- If you want to apply for financial support, please submit the following form "Application for travel funds for conference participation"
- Please send the document to Cornelia Fischbach
- If the costs of the trip are reasonable, the Speaker of the TRR259 will approve support for the trip and return a copy of the signed form to the doctoral researcher and his/her supervisor. Please send a copy of the approval to your local acoordinator togehter with a business trip application (Dienstreiseantrag) (see also "organizing the trip")
Conferences that could be interesting for you:
- Gordon – Elastin, Elastic Fibers and Microfibrills
- Gordon – Immunometabolism in Health and Disease
- Gordon – Biomechanics in Vascular Biology and Disease
- Weinsteinmeeting – Cardiovascular Development and Regeneration
- AHA-Meeting (Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine)
- IVBM – International Vascular Biology Meeting
Organizing the trip
Please keep in mind that iRTG-TRR259 and not your SFB research project will cover the costs of the trip. This means that, you have to send the business trip application (Dienstreiseantrag) to your local coordinator for verification and to get the cost center (PSP-Element).
For Trips abroad: If the conference takes place outside of Germany, a so-called A1 certificate is required. You can get more information about this from your local coordinator. For trips to other European countries, the application must be made at least two weeks before the start of the trip, and for other countries two month before the start of the trip.
Before and during the trip: keep all original invoices/receipts to hand in after your trip.
When the trip is over
As soon as the trip is over, you should send all the necessary forms (signed by you and your principal investigator) and documents to your local coordinator. According to the law, you have up to 6 months to do this, but we ask you not to wait so long (especially at the end of the year!).
Please inform Cornelia Fischbach whether you have given a presentation or whether you have presented a poster.
Lab Exchanges
Since the TRR259 is specifically designed to facilitate close collaborations between different research groups consisting of clinician scientists and basic researchers, interdisciplinary collaborations are a central core of this approach. Therefore, we will support lab exchanges within the TRR259 for all iRTG students. Furthermore, we are also willing to support international lab exchanges for up to 3 students/year.

How to apply for financial support – Lab exchanges
- Financial support for lab exchanges must be applied for in advance by the doctoral researcher and his/her principal investigator.
For lab-exchanges within the TRR259
- As the funds for these stays are limited, TRR259 cannot grant any daily allowance. In all, we ask all doctoral researchers to keep the expenses for the trip and for the accommodation as low as possible. You will be granted a max. support of € 80 per day.
- If you want to apply for financial support, please submit the form "Application for travel funds for a lab exchange within the framework of the TRR259"
- Send the document to Cornelia Fischbach
- If the costs of the trip are reasonable and the research plan convincing, the management of iRTG-TRR259 will approve support for the trip and return a copy of the signed form to the doctoral researcher and his/her supervisor.
For international lab exchanges
- We would also like to support lab exchanges to international labs. Therefore, we will allow for a max. support of € 3.500.
- If you want to apply for financial support, please submit the following form "Application for travel funds for an international lab exchange"
- Send the document to Cornelia Fischbach
- If the costs of the trip are reasonable and the research plan convincing, the management of iRTG-TRR259 will approve support for the trip and return a copy of the signed form to the doctoral researcher and his/her supervisor.
Organizing the trip
Please keep in mind that iRTG-TRR259 and not your SFB research project will cover the costs of the trip. This means that, you have to send the business trip application (Dienstreiseantrag) to your local coordinator for verification and to get the cost center (PSP-Element).
For Trips abroad: If the lab exchange takes place outside of Germany, a so-called A1 certificate is required. You can get more information about this from your local coordinator. For trips to other European countries, the application must be made at least two weeks before the start of the trip, and for other countries two month before the start of the trip.
Before and during the trip: keep all original invoices/receipts to hand in after your trip.
When the trip is over
As soon as the trip is over, you should send all the necessary forms (signed by you and your principal investigator) and documents to your local coordinator. According to the law, you have up to 6 months to do this, but we ask you not to wait so long (especially at the end of the year!).
Mentoring- and Networking
Here you will find links to mentoring and networking programs that are already established at all participating universities.

For everyone
- EMBO Lab Leadership Courses
- Female Scientists Empowerment Coaching
- Tips and Tricks for Scientists
- How to make a scientific poster that people want to stop at
- How to become a better scientific presenter
- How to give a good scientific talk
- How to create scientific artwork - tips and tricks for scientists
- Networking & career planning for scientists
- How to give a flash talk
- Which Journal is the Right One for my Paper?
- Sketchnoting for scientists

Mentoring and networking for Bonn students

Mentoring and networking for Cologne students