MD-Students within the iRTG-TRR259
The iRTG (integrated Research Training Group) of the TRR259 aims to provide structures to promote the scientific education and long-term development of clinician scientists (MDs) to pursue their career in the field of translational cardiovascular science.
These MD students are integrated into the training program of the iRTG of the TRR259. All integrated clinician scientists will follow a structured, interdisciplinary curriculum. The students are obliged to attend the majority of the scientific seminars, as well as some journal clubs and specialized soft-skill courses.
One prerequisite is that the doctorate takes place at one of the three medical faculties involved in the TRR259 (Bonn, Cologne, or Düsseldorf) and the doctoral candidate is enrolled there as a student.

MD scholarship application – TRR259
Award criteria
- Students working for group leaders from the TRR259 are entitled to apply. In the case of applicant group leaders, the formal commitment of the institution concerned is also required to ensure both supervision and access to the local infrastructure until the end of the doctorate.
Evaluation criteria
- Critical evaluation criteria for the application are both the scientific quality of the project and the qualification of the doctoral candidate
- “Physikums Note” of the student is important for the assessment of the application. A Physikums Note of 3.5 or better is the requirement to apply.
- The evaluation is carried out through an internal scientific report and one selection interview.
- If the Physikums Note is 3.0–3.5, two selection interviews will be held
Scholarship requirements
A number of conditions / obligations are associated with the TRR259 doctoral scholarship and admission to the iRTG of the TRR259:
- Documented participation in iRTG events
- Scholarship for approved candidates will last for one year including full-time lab work during 2 semesters (if necessary, a semester off is to be taken)
- The doctoral candidates need to be present at the University of Bonn, Cologne, or Düsseldorf for the entire duration of the doctoral scholarship
- It is not possible to do the PY during the funding period. Exceptions to this must be clarified in good time before the application is made, to determine whether they are compatible with funding. The same applies to any other short-term interruptions or shortening of the time in the laboratory.
- Stays in other laboratories, as part of the project work on the doctorate, are possible but must be communicated with the coordinator of the iRTG (Dr. Meghan Lucas)
- Personal vacation times can be coordinated directly with the doctoral supervisor.
- Any secondary employment is limited to a maximum of 8 hours per week for the duration of the doctoral scholarship.
Exclusion criterion double funding
- TRR259 scholarship funding cannot be approved if the scholarship holder is financed in parallel by any other institutional funding agencies
- In the event of double funding, the scholarship holder is obliged to notify the iRTG coordinator immediately in writing.
Funding period
- 12 months â €934 plus €103 student consummables
Application structure and application documents
- Project proposal: Please use this template to complete your project proposal (see Project Proposal-MD-Student)
- Curriculum vitae and academic background of the applicant (with exam grades and physics certificate)
- Schedule (course of studies and doctoral planning)
- Signed declarations of commitment (see text templates):
- Part 1: Supervision commitment
- Part 2: Requirements for TRR259 doctoral fellows
The applications will be assessed by the three speakers of the integrated graduate school of the TRR259 according to the following criteria:
- Topicality and originality of the research topic
- Quality of the application
- Feasibility of the work program
- Qualification and previous scientific achievements of the applicant
- Scientific environment, overall impression
- Cooperation / interdisciplinarity
12 month
Application documents
In addition to a curriculum vitae with the applicant's academic background (with exam grades and physics certificate), the following documents must be submitted to the coordinator of the iRTG or the TRR259
Project proposal
Please work out a project plan together with your doctoral supervisor. Information on the topic and the objectives of the doctoral thesis must be given here.
Please let us know how your studies went so far. Have you completed a semester abroad? What is the schedule for your studies and your doctoral thesis?
Signed declarations of commitment
We need a commitment to support and approval of the regulations for receiving an MD scholarship
Dr. Franziska Wienberg
Biomedical Center I, Building 13, 3G, room 22
Department of Molecular Cardiology
University Hospital Bonn
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn