A09-The role of the olfactory receptor 2 in aortic aneurysm formation

Macrophages contribute to inflammatory processes and extracellular matrix remodelling in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) formation. Therefore, the modulation of inflammatory and matrix-degrading macrophage phenotypes represents an attractive strategy to reduce vascular inflammation and AAA. Recently, extra-nasal olfactory receptor 2 (Olfr2) expression in vascular macrophages has been shown to modulate their inflammatory response. We will determine how Olfr2 contributes to AAA formation and the accompanying vascular macrophage response in Olfr2-deficient mice. Finally, by genetically and pharmacologically inhibiting or augmenting Olfr2 signalling, we will test if Olfr2 is a novel therapeutic target in AAA.

© Sebastian Zimmer


Avatar Winkels

Dr. Holger Winkels

Project leader A09

Department III for Internal Medicine

University Hospital Cologne

Kerpener Str. 62

50937 Cologne

Avatar Picard

Dr. Felix Simon Ruben Picard


Department III for Internal Medicine

Heart Center Köln

University Hospital Cologne

Kerpener Str. 62

50937 Cologne

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