C04-Characterising the innate immune response to decellularised extracellular matrix-based heart valve and aortic implants
Decellularised human heart valves (DHV) are a promising therapeutic approach for heart valve replacement in terms of biocompatibility and durability. Nonetheless, early and late degeneration of aortic DHVs has been observed in some patients, with several studies implicating the immune response to the decellularised extracellular matrix (dECM) in this process. In this project, we aim to characterise the immune response to dECM graft material and investigate how its modulation may affect host integration of dECM-based implants. Altogether, we hope to establish the molecular groundwork for targeted pharmacological therapies to improve integration, biocompatibility, and durability of DHVs.

PD Dr. Hug Aubin
Clinic for Cardiac Surgery - Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine & Tissue Engineering 3D Lab
University Hospital Düsseldorf
Moorenstraße 5
40225 Düsseldorf
Prof. Eva Bartok
Building 12, 1st Floor, Room 1G409
Institute for Experimental Hematology and Transfusion Medicine (IHT)
University Hospital Bonn
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
Prof. Dr. Artur Lichtenberg
Clinic for Cardiac Surgery
University Hospital Düsseldorf
Moorenstraße 5
40225 Düsseldorf
Dr. Elvira Weber
Clinic for Cardiac Surgery
Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine & Tissue Engineering 3D Lab
University Hospital Düsseldorf
Moorenstraße 5
40225 Düsseldorf
Dr. Agunda Chekhoeva
Clinic for Cardiac Surgery
University Hospital Düsseldorf
Moorenstraße 5
40225 Düsseldorf